Monday, August 25, 2008

Am I Really Starting a Blog? Will Anyone Really Read This?


I am still a little unsure about starting a blog but since all of my friends and family are scattered across the country and we are busy, busy, busy I decided this would be a good way to keep people posted.

My Future Husband (I'll go with FH in future posts) and I were engaged last October and are planning a wedding on Long Island in May 2009. Hopefully this blog will give me an outlet to share the joys, headaches, frustrations and exciting times that go along with planning.

Planning has been quite an adventure and I am stumbling across some of the most beautiful, unique and creative ideas some are budget breakers and some are budget makers. Something else I come across- some of the strangest, tackiest and whackiest stuff you have ever seen - I hope to share that as well!

Join me, as I vent and share the road to becoming a Mrs. in May!

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